See Magirr and Burman (2019) and Magirr (2021) for details about the weighted log-rank tests, and in particular the modestly weighted log-rank test. This vignette works through an example of using the package to simulate data and perform weighted log-rank tests. A summary of the formulas used within this package is presented.
This package can be used to simulate a dataset for a two-arm RCT with
delayed separation of survival curves by using the
There are two parts to simulating the event times and statuses: the
event model (parameters defined in event_model
) and the
recruitment model (parameters defined in
Firstly, looking at the event model. The function
assumes that the survival times on the
control and exponential arm follow a piecewise exponential distribution.
Given rate parameter λ, the
exponential distribution has the form:
f(t) = λexp (−λt)
The rate parameters are set using the argument lambda_c
for the control arm and lambda_e
for the experimental arm.
To use the piecewise version, set this argument a vector with a value
for each piece. The duration of each piece is set using parameter
and duration_e
Secondly, looking at the recruitment model. The recruitment can be
modeled using either a power model or a piecewise constant model. See
more details about these models.
Additionally, the sim_events_delay
function censors all
observations at the calendar time max_cal_t
Here we create a simulated dataset with 5 individuals on each arm.
Assume that one unit of time is equal to one month. From entering the
study until 6 months both arms have the same λ parameter, with a median event
time of 9 months. From 6 months, the experimental arm has a lower hazard
rate, with a median event time of 18 months. Setting
rec_period = 12
and rec_power = 1
means that
individuals are recruited at a uniform rate over 12 months.
sim_data <- sim_events_delay(
duration_c = 36,
duration_e = c(12 ,24),
lambda_c = log(2)/9,
lambda_e = c(log(2)/9,log(2)/18)),
max_cal_t = 36
#> event_time event_status group
#> 1 18.06 1 control
#> 2 9.89 1 control
#> 3 16.07 1 control
#> 4 28.07 0 control
#> 5 13.69 1 control
#> 6 25.22 0 experimental
#> 7 24.66 0 experimental
#> 8 8.50 1 experimental
#> 9 4.37 1 experimental
#> 10 7.64 1 experimental
Now that we have simulated a dataset, we will look at performing the weighted log-rank tests.
Consider the ordered, distinct event times t1, …, tk. Let d0, j and d1, j be the number of events at event time tj on each of the arms respectively, and let dj be equal to the sum of these two values. Similarly, let n0, j and n1, j be the number at risk at event time tj on each of the arms respectively, and let nj be equal to the sum of these two values.
The function find_at_risk
can be used to calculate these
values for a dataset.
#> t_j n_event_control n_event_experimental n_event n_risk_control
#> 1 4.37 0 1 1 5
#> 2 7.64 0 1 1 5
#> 3 8.50 0 1 1 5
#> 4 9.89 1 0 1 5
#> 5 13.69 1 0 1 4
#> 6 16.07 1 0 1 3
#> 7 18.06 1 0 1 2
#> n_risk_experimental n_risk
#> 1 5 10
#> 2 4 9
#> 3 3 8
#> 4 2 7
#> 5 2 6
#> 6 2 5
#> 7 2 4
Here, each row relates to the distinct event times tj, which are
specified in column t_j
. The value d0, j relates to
the column n_event_control
, d1, j to
, and dj to
. Similarly, n0, j relates to
column n_risk_control
, n1, j to
, and nj to
To calculate the test statistics for a weighted log-rank test, we need to evaluate the observed number of events on one arm, e.g. d0, j, and the expected number of events on the same arm, e.g. $d_j \frac{n_{0,j}}{n_j}$ at each tj. The test statistic UW is then a weighted sum (using weights wj) of the difference of these values:
$$ U^W = \sum_{j=1}^k w_j \left(d_{0,j} - d_j \frac{n_{0,j}}{n_j}\right) $$
The weights wj that are used depend on the type of weighted log-rank test, these are described next.
Three types of weighted log rank test are available in this package.
The values of the weights in the log-rank test can be calculated
using the function find_weights
with argument
. In the case of the standard log-rank test, the
weights are clearly very simple.
include_cens = FALSE)
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Again the weights can be calculated using the
function and setting method="fh"
along with arguments rho
and gamma
rho = 0,
gamma= 1,
include_cens = FALSE)
#> [1] 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Under the null hypothesis that the survival curves of the two treatment arms are equal, the distribution of UW is
UW ∼ N(0, VW)
where the variance, VW, is equal to $$ \sum_{j=1}^k w_j^2\frac{n_{0,j}n_{1,j} d_j (n_j - d_j)}{n_j^2(n_j-1)} $$
The Z-statistic is then simply calculated in the usual way by dividing the test statistic U by the square root of its variance.
To perform the full weighted log-rank test, use the function
. This outputs the test statistic, its variance, the
Z-statistic and the name of the treatment group the test corresponds
Leton and Zuluaga (2001) showed that every weighted log-rank test can be written as either an observed-minus-expected test (as described above), or as a permutation test.
The weights can be reformulated as scores for a permutation test using the following formula for the censoring scores and event scores respectively:
$$ C_j=-\sum_{i=1}w_i\frac{d_i}{n_i} $$
cj = Cj + wj
These scores can be calculated using the function
in the following way. Plotting these scores
against the rank of the event times provides an intuitive explanation of
the issues of using the Fleming-Harrington test as it makes sense that
the scores for the events are decreasind with time, see Magirr
s_star = 0.5)
rho = 0,
The issue of stratification when performing weighted log-rank tests is discussed in Magirr and Jiménez (2022). They explore various approaches to combining the results of stratified analyses. In particular they recommend combining on the Z-statistic scale, i.e. for the case of two strata, first express the stratified log-rank test as a linear combination of standardized Z-statistics, $\sqrt{V_1}Z_1+\sqrt{V_2}Z_2 \sim N(0,V_1+V_2)$. V1 and V2 are the variances for the log-rank test statistic on the first and second stratum respectively, and Z1 and Z2 are the Z-statistics for the log-rank test statistic on the first and second stratum respectively. Secondly, the Z-statistics Z1 and Z2 are replaced by the Z-statistics from the weighted log-rank test.
$$ \tilde{U}^W=\sqrt{V_1}\left( \frac{U_1^W}{\sqrt{V_1^W}}\right)+\sqrt{V_2}\left( \frac{U_2^W}{\sqrt{V_2^W}}\right) $$
Here we introduce a strata ecog
that has different λ parameters, and demonstrate that
it is simple to perform the described stratified weighted log-rank
sim_data_0 <- sim_data
sim_data_1 <- sim_events_delay(
duration_c = 36,
duration_e = c(6,30),
lambda_c = log(2)/6,
lambda_e = c(log(2)/6,log(2)/12)),
max_cal_t = 36
t_star = 4
#> $by_strata
#> strata u v_u z trt_group
#> 1 ecog0 0.1615079 1.647592 0.1258256 experimental
#> 2 ecog1 -2.2293871 2.386703 -1.4430662 experimental
#> $combined
#> u v z trt_group
#> 1 -1.70296 3.316904 -0.9350569 experimental
Leton, E. and Zuluaga, P. (2001) Equivalence between score and weighted tests for survival curves. Commun Stat., 30(4), 591-608.
Magirr, D. (2021). Non-proportional hazards in immuno-oncology: Is an old perspective needed?. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 20(3), 512-527.
Magirr, D. and Burman, C.F., (2019). Modestly weighted logrank tests. Statistics in medicine, 38(20), 3782-3790.
Magirr, D. and Jiménez, J. (2022) Stratified modestly-weighted log-rank tests in settings with an anticipated delayed separation of survival curves PREPRINT at